Realistic Make Up Special Effects
Wed, 26 Jun
Realistic film and tv casualty special effects makeup course. This is a two day course and you must be able to attend both days
Time & Location
26 Jun 2024, 10:00 – 17:00
Swansea, The Old Police Station, Llys Glas, 37 Orchard St, Swansea SA1 5AJ, UK
Realistic Film and TV Casualty Special Effects Makeup
Day one: 2D casualty transfers.This will allow students to experiment with transfer graphics, creating realistic casualty effects. Students will cover 2D effects as well as character development and detailing, creating a finished look.
Day two: We will now advance the techniques shown on day one and use them to create direct applied 3D realistic casualty effects.Exploring more advanced materials and techniques, looking into the use of movement and blood rigs with an interactive demo. They will then create a finished portfolio look.
Colur Effaith Arbennig Anafiadau Realistig ar gyfer Ffilm a Theledu
Diwrnod un: Trosluniau anafiadau 2D.Bydd hyn yn galluogi myfyrwyr i arbrofi â graffeg trosluniau, gan greu effeithiau anafiadau realistig. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dysgu am effeithiau 2D yn ogystal â datblygu cymeriad a manylion, gan greu golwg orffenedig.
Diwrnod dau: Byddwn nawr yn datblygu'r technegau a ddangoswyd ar y diwrnod cyntaf ac yn eu defnyddio i greu effeithiau anafiadau realistig 3D wedi’u gosod yn uniongyrchol.Edrych ar ddeunyddiau a thechnegau mwy datblygedig, gan archwilio'r defnydd o symudiad a rigiau gwaed gyda demo rhyngweithiol. Yna fe fyddan nhw’n creu golwg portffolio gorffenedig.